Relieve Back Pain of Sitting and Standing — Awareness Through Movement Classes

atm picture 417Awareness through Movement classes are for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their life — wanting to walk farther, sit at a computer more comfortably, reduce chronic back pain, or regain the use of function lost through injury or aging.
atm picture

In this series of classes, we will focus on sitting and standing — which are part of almost every movement in our daily life and are often associated with chronic back pain. Whether at your desk, in a car, at a meeting, in a class, on your meditation cushion, or at the movies, the way you sit can influence your attention and vitality. This class will help you improve your skeletal support, bringing greater ease and pleasure to sitting wherever you are. Additionally we’ll explore how to stand with balance, stability, and lightness in a way that protects your back and decreases your effort.

Students should be comfortable sitting and lying on the floor.

  • DATE:  March 10, 17, 31. (Not March 24th), April 7, 14, 21, and 28
  • TIME:  8:30 am – 9:30am
  • WHERE:  Bellevue office of Kinetic Inquiry
  • COST:  $15/class
  • CONTACT: Laura Yedwab 425-202-5685

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